Covid Diaries: I Was Raised By New York City

I was RAISED by New York.

For the past 2 decades, my life and career have been woven into the fiber of this amazing city! It is where I got my first real job. Where I met my husband. Where my son was born. Where I have made some of my lifelong friends. Where I started my business.

20 PLUS’s a lifetime!

I have grown up learning from this town that is a new opportunity, waiting to be had. That hard work does pay off and yes, the cliche “If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere” is absolutely TRUE!

I give back by manufacturing all of my custom and repurposed pieces in the heart of the jewelry district in Manhattan! This city attracts some of the worlds most talented artisans and I have had the good fortune of working with many of them.

I am PROUD to say that every one of my commissions is Made in New York City!! I cannot wait for the world to start spinning and for NYC to start buzzing and running and hustling and being the center of the universe!!

My city is strong. My city is resilient. My city will come back, better and stronger.

Until then - #stayhome #staysafe


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