The World Of Gemstones: A Feature On Peridots.


Peridots are the birthstone for August


Moderately priced $$ with many affordable options 


The color range for peridot is from a brown-green to yellowish green to pure green. The most common is the yellowish green which is the one we see in jewelry. Even in its natural form, this gems distinct green hue is remarkably consistent —a feature rarely found in gemstones. 


Legend & Location: 

Legend has it that the origin of Peridot dates back to Ancient Egypt, on the volcanic island of Zebargad in the Red Sea. Highly treasured by the Ancient Egyptians, it is said that they kept the location of the island a secret. With the fall of the Roman empire, the island became lost to antiquity, and was only rediscovered in 1906. Unfortunately, Peridot deposits on this island have since been exhausted. 

Today, the largest sources of Peridot are the United States, Myanmar, Pakistan, and the Himalayas with a brand new find in China! 


This olivine gemstone has always been associated with light and used  to be called the “gem of the sun” by the Egyptians. Said to protect its owner from “terrors of the night,” especially when set in gold. 

The Romans referred to it as the “evening’s emerald” because unlike the deep-green emerald, Peridot’s citrus tones remain constant even by candlelight. 


Peridot is not generally enhanced or heat-treated to improve its color but with colorless oils, waxes, or resins to fill voids or surface fractures and to improve the gem’s appearance or surface luster.


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