Covid Diaries: Little Ripples, Big Changes

When I started my journey as an entrepreneur, a big driving force for me, was to shatter the (glass) ceiling that women like myself faced. Often having to apologize while making difficult choices between home and career.

Over the past 2 years of building my business, I have made a conscious decision to walk the talk and empower other women-owned businesses so that together, we can work towards setting new norms! The COVID shutdown seems like a good time to reinforce this principal as I watch women adding even more to their plate than before! 

I work with only the best in the industry and I am passionate about engaging women that share my commitment to quality and exceptional service.

My business coach, marketing mentor, website designer, copywriter, portrait photographer, product photographer, CAD technician, Illustrator, gemstone vendor, bookkeeper, virtual assistant…each one of these is a WOMAN - a MAVERICK in her own space. 

I am proud to know each one them as we create LITTLE ripples for BIG changes and transform the workspace for women on all platforms! 

#womenentrepreneurs #womeninbiz #womenbusinessowners


Covid Diaries: The True NYC Grit - We Will Persevere!


Covid Diaries: I Was Raised By New York City